MICCAI 2022 MELA Challenge:

Mediastinal Lesion Analysis

This competition is part of MICCAI 2022: the 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. MICCAI 2022 will be held from September 18th to 22nd 2022 in Resort World Convention Centre Singapore.

Be a part of the MELA Challenge workshop 

As challenge organizers, we will invite the top 5 teams for our detection task, to present their methods and results at the challenge workshop. Teams with an interesting solution could also be invited. The workshop will be held as an official satellite event of MICCAI 2022. These teams will be offered partial expense to attend the satellite events, which is a good opportunity to showcase your work to the public.

Participants in this competition are not required to attend the workshop. However, only teams that are attending the workshop will be considered for presenting their work. 

Contribute to a challenge review paper

Top teams will be invited to contribute to a challenge review paper, which could be potentially accepted by a top medical image journal. Top teams will be invited to submit a 4-page brief solution (following Springer LNCS format, i.e.,  the same format as MICCAI submissions), 3 members per team could be qualified as authors for the challenge review paper. Top-3 teams are required to submit the 4-page solution. If a public dataset is used in any form (including pretraining, domain adaption), it should be clearly stated in the solution. Besides, if the participants use fully automatic algorithms to generative auxiliary labels,  it should also be clearly stated in the submitted solution. Please note that any manual labeling on training, validation or test set is strictly forbidden.

The organizers reserve the right to identify the "top" teams to be invited, which depends on leaderboard ranks (mainly), technical contributions of the solution, and numbers of participants in each task. We will send invitations to the top teams for team information, solution paper, and potential solution presentation on the challenge.